WAJIBU - Institute of Public Accountability is a reputable think-tank institution which was established in 2015 with the purpose of fostering an environment that supports public financial accountability (PFA) and good governance in Tanzania. WAJIBU works to empower citizens and their representatives to demand proper accountability and good governance on the collection and use of public resources. It mobilises public engagement with duty bearers and the elected representatives (Members of Parliament, Councilors and Street/Village Chairpersons) on issues of public financial accountability and good governance.


In achieving WAJIBU's vision and mission, WAJIBU focuses on four broad objectives which are;


1.Strengthening Citizen Engagement in understanding the Public Financial Accountability concept,


2.Enhancing the Capacity of Media, Youth, CSOs, Duty Bearers, and Elected Representatives in the Practice of Public               Financial Accountability,


3.Influencing Policy Change in Improving the Environment of Public Financial Accountability,


4.Strengthening WAJIBU's Technical and Financial Capacity as an Effective Public Financial Accountability Think-Tank Institution.


In achieving the four broad objectives, WAJIBU among other activities;


1.Conduct analysis of high public interest issues raised by oversight institutions  such as among others, Controller &Auditor      General, Parliamentary Oversight Committees, Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, and Bank of Tanzania to produce      simplified and user - friendly accountability reports, publishes them in Swahili version and disseminates them on an annual    basis to stakeholders involved in PFA.


 2.WAJIBU conducts action oriented researches on PFM to obtain evidence for policy advocacy and citizen engagement.


3.WAJIBU conducts International Conferences on accountability on PFM  and cross cutting matters annually.


4.WAJIBU writes and publishes accountability materials (electronic newsletter and text books) on PFA matters for awareness creation.


5.WAJIBU conducts Youth Accountability programs  at higher learning institutions such as Accountability Lecture Series, Accountability Essay Competition and Youth Accountability Initiative Forum.


6.WAJIBU works in partnership with NGOs to enhance citizens' voices on PFM matters.


7.WAJIBU has a footprint in building the capacity of mainstream and social media platforms on PFM matters.


8.WAJIBU is at the forefront of  the country's Anti-corruption movement working closely with public entities such as Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau (PCCB).


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Dar es salaam

WAJIBU – Institute of Public Accountability,
Rose Garden Road, Tancom Street, Mikocheni,
P.O Box 13486, Dar es salaam.
Phone: +255 736 666916
Email: info@wajibu.or.tz



Makole, Usomalini Street. House No.3
P.O.Box 2089
Phone: +255 738 375 212
Email: info@wajibu.or.tz

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